• Rourkela, Odisha, India.
  • sri_aurobindo_rkl_school@yahoo.com
  • 0661 2642334

Mission & Vision

G. Parihary

The Mission and Vision of Sri Aurobindo’s Rourkela School (SARS) is what Sri Aurobindo dreamt of making an educational institution. To his philosophy “Education to be true must not be a machine made fabric but true building or living evocation of Power of the mind, and spirit of human being, SARS aims at making children physically fit, mentally alert, socially adaptable and spiritually oriented. Service before self’ and commitment to catering humanitarian services of all forms are the multi-facet horoscope that we preach, profess and propagate. We will keep striving until the battle of true freedom from ignorance, social prejucies, economic emarcipatm is attained.


Expert faculty

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Online learning

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Beautiful Campus

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